Monday, September 17, 2012

Final Thoughts and Totals from the Trip

This trip really turned out to be fun, even more fun that I thought it might be.  When I thought about some of the areas I would be going through, I wasn't sure how much there would be to see.  It turned out that even in the areas that may be less exciting (say Texas and Oklahoma), it was still neat to the see the land change as I  progressed across the county side.  Everywhere I went, I saw something different.  That is what makes seeing the United States so interesting, especially on a motorcycle where you feel, see, smell, and experience things much more than when riding in a car or just flying over it in a plane.

I know I am very fortunate and blessed to have now have ridden in 49 states on a motorcycle.  Not many people can say they have done this.  It has been a great experience for me.  I am also glad that I have been able to share these experiences with you through my blogs while I have been traveling.  At least you have been able to get a small sampling of what I have experienced during these trips.

During the trips I have done over the last 5 years, I have ridden just short of 37,000 miles

New England Ride (2010) - 7,125 miles
West Coast Ride (2011) - 6,338 miles
South (this year) - 7,837 miles

Here are some facts from this trip:
Miles driven: 7,837
Average miles per day: 483
New states driven in: 8 (New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Florida)
Additional states driven in: 13 (Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, Missouri, Tennessee, Georgia, North Carolina, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin)
Total states driven in: 21
Was in 3 time zones
Average miles per gallon: 47.58
Fuel consumed: 154 gallons
Total cost for fuel: $605 (51% of trip total costs)
I camped 12 nights
I stayed with daughter 2 nights
I stayed with parents 1 night
I stayed in a motel 2 nights
Highest temperature recorded while riding: 108
Time spent in rain gear: About 3 hours!

Here is the route map for this years trip

So after this trip, here is what my "States I have Ridden in Map" looks like now!

As you can see, there is only 1 state left and hopefully I can color that one early next year!

Thanks again for following along on my journey.  I hope you enjoyed it almost as much as I have.

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