Thursday, September 13, 2012

Day 15 – Sept 13

Today’s ride bought me out of Tennessee across the state of Kentucky and into Indiana.  The route that I had mapped was actually pretty good and most of the ride was interesting and enjoyable.  I have attached photos of tobacco fields for those who have not seen them and also a barn where the tobacco is being dried.

I couldn’t believe the gas prices when I got to Indiana.  Most are close to $4.00 per gallon!  I thought I was in Chicago already by the gas prices!  Other places on the trip they have been between $3.50 and $3.75 in most places.  Anyone have a clue?

Tonight I am staying at the Brown County State Park near Nashville (Indiana not Tennessee!!).  This area of Indiana is very different than what most people think about the state.  It is actually rather hilly (I wouldn’t call them mountains) but also heavily wooded.  I have attached a few photos from the park as well.  I am somewhat familiar with this area to due other trips through the area and times when I have travel to Columbus Indiana for work. 

 Tomorrow I will make my way to the greater Chicago area to see my daughter Trisha and her husband John.  I plan to be there Friday afternoon and Saturday and then make the final part of the return journey home on Sunday.  John’s mom and his brother are also coming to Chicago for the week-end to watch the NASCAR race.

Tonight I want to thank my wife Cathy for again supporting me and allowing me to take these extended rides.  Not many wives would be so supportive – THANK YOU!!!!
I have completed the mission of now riding in 49 states.  We are ready to enjoy Hawaii together as milestones of our birthdays and our marriage.  We have already booked airline tickets and places to stay for most of the vacation.  We will be enjoying the island of Maui for most of the time we are there.  This will be our first big trip and we are looking forward to it together. 

Here are some ride facts so far:
·         I have now ridden over 7,000 miles during these 14 days (not counting the first afternoon ride of only 100 miles)
·         Average miles per day is 500
·         I have now ridden in 19 states as part of this trip
·         Here are the 8 new states I have now ridden in (in order): New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Florida
·         Here are the other 11 states I have ridden in so far on this trip (in order): Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, Missouri, Tennessee, Georgia, North Carolina, Kentucky, and Indiana.

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