In many ways, today’s ride was in sharp contrast to
yesterday. About the only thing they had
in common was the heat. Again it was as
high as 104 degrees while riding.
Today’s ride was about the backroads that America was built on; yesterday was about the
freeways that now move America ! I started the ride on Historic Route 66. This road was built in the 1930’s and
connected Chicago
with the West Coast. It connected many
of the small towns in the heartland of America . As usually happens, time changed and Route 66
was replaced with a freeway to move people faster. The freeways bypassed the small towns and
small town America
has been on the decline since then.
After Route 66 I headed south and east towards Arkansas . I was actually surprised with how green and
even hilly and mountainous part of Oklahoma
is. The greenest area I have seen since
leaving home. There is one section of Oklahoma County
#1 (that leads to Arkansas )
that rivals the Blue Ridge Parkway . You ride along the top of the ridge and have
vistas to view on many occasions. The rest
of the day was spent riding many roads in Arkansas. It is definitely living up to its reputation
as a great place to ride; and I have only just begun! Tomorrow I have many more
roads to ride here.
Tonight I am having a “mountain top” experience. I am staying at the Magazine Mountain
State Park . The park is set at the top of the mountain,
again with many wonderful views.
That is all for day!
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