I know I am very fortunate and blessed to have now have ridden in 49 states on a motorcycle. Not many people can say they have done this. It has been a great experience for me. I am also glad that I have been able to share these experiences with you through my blogs while I have been traveling. At least you have been able to get a small sampling of what I have experienced during these trips.
During the trips I have done over the last 5 years, I have ridden just short of 37,000 miles
Rocky Mountain Ride (2008) - 10,226 miles
Blue Ridge Parkway Ride (2009) - 5,430 miles
New England Ride (2010) - 7,125 miles
West Coast Ride (2011) - 6,338 miles
South (this year) - 7,837 miles
Here are some facts from this trip:
Miles driven: 7,837
Average miles per day: 483
New states driven in: 8 (New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Florida)
Additional states driven in: 13 (Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, Missouri, Tennessee, Georgia, North Carolina, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin)Was in 3 time zones
Average miles per gallon: 47.58
Fuel consumed: 154 gallons
Total cost for fuel: $605 (51% of trip total costs)
I camped 12 nights
I stayed with daughter 2 nights
I stayed with parents 1 night
I stayed in a motel 2 nights
Highest temperature recorded while riding: 108
Time spent in rain gear: About 3 hours!
Here is the route map for this years trip
So after this trip, here is what my "States I have Ridden in Map" looks like now!

As you can see, there is only 1 state left and hopefully I can color that one early next year!
Thanks again for following along on my journey. I hope you enjoyed it almost as much as I have.